I have a major case of writer's block for this blog. I'm still having a hard time finding my voice and trying to decide what to post about. I do have a interesting life, but I'm just not sure how interesting other people would find it. My life is full of ups and downs and for sure not just RAINBOWS and UNICORNS and I get tired of reading blogs where people only blog about the happy things in their life, but people blog for different reason. With all that said I'll give you a run down of a conversation that the Mr. and I had this morning:
We all woke up around 7:00 this AM, Griff the dog is doing back flips for his 3 cups of food for the day and getting on my ever, last and loving nerve...I can't imagine if my three cats acted the way he did while they wait on their food. They're a little more subtle... Any who, I'm usually a get up and go kind of person, but every once in a while I can be a little sluggish and the morning was one of those morning. I guess Scott noticed it because he commented more the once that I seemed a little on the tired side. "Yes, Scott I am tired yes Scott I am in the midst of creating your 2nd son so every once in a while I might come off a little tired"...sorry about that hun! In the middle of all this Mason is begging for me to make him macawholly...also known as mac-n-cheese. Scott says "why don't you just make him some macawholly?" "because Scott it's not the kind you just put water in and put in the microwave..it's the kind you have to boil water for and it's 7:30 IN THE MORNING!" He then tells me he's headed to the gym because it looks like I need a little alone time. Thanks babe leave the tired pregnant mommy with her lets get this party started 3 year old! Will they ever get it?!?!?
Bran muffins
2 days ago