Monday, September 5, 2011

The Eve of our First Day back at Preschool

I can't help but be a wee bit nervous for Mason to start school tomorrow.  We've worked so hard this whole summer to share and be nice to our friends.  At the end of his summer program back in July he went out with a bang bite...he bite a friend in his class.  To say I was mortified would be a total understatement. And of course in the last few days he's taken a few steps back in the behavior department.  He's hit me a couple of times, hit and bit my mom over the weekend and pitched a friend at a birthday party when he wasn't able to do something disappointed.  With all that said, he did come down with a cold  yesterday and usually his way of dealing with not feeling well is he acts out quite a bit.  Please say a prayer that my boy behaves nicely and that his mommy isn't summoned to the Director's office anytime soon.

Oh last thing.  Took MC to pick out a back-pack the morning and of course out of all the cute ones he picks the most obnoxious plastic Toy Story back-pack.  Before I was a mom I swore that my kids wouldn't wear or carry cheesy character clothes/pack-backs, but he was so stinking excited about it and who am I to deny him choices.  It's all about choice...make a good choice. 

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