Thursday, February 10, 2011

Be still my heart!

Today was MC's first Valentine's Party and my oh my did my eyes and heart witness pure innocents at it's best.  There are many moments through out the day that make me thanks God and Scotty that I'm able to stay at home with Mason and being able to attend his quick little Valentine Party was one of them.  Ya'll it's was too cute for words.  They all sat at there little mini table in mini chairs and when teacher called there name they went and got there Valentines and hand delivered each Valentine to there friends.  I love to watch Mason in a class room setting and it amazed me how well behaved and how great he is at following directions.  Preschool...albeit just 2 days a week for a few hours has been so great for him and he just loves it!!!  Here's a few pictures from this oh so special day.


Stephanie said...

This is one of my favorite posts! Cause I just love seeing sweet Mason in preschool. The pics are too precious. I loved this valentines and I'm so glad he had a fun par-tay!!

Anonymous said...

How precious! Our little man is growing up so fast! I just love him so much and can't get enough of him. I'm so glad he had a fun Valentine's Day party.


Sarah Corrigan said...

Absolutely PRESH! What a good boy he is, I bet your heart was pounding watching him be so sweet. You are a lucky mommy to be able to attend that sort of thing! :)